Monday, January 11, 2010

Hunter Hanging Out!

Hunter is now 2 months its gone by so fast.. Its still hard to think that I have a baby and now he is 2 months old where does the time go.. Here are just a few pictures of my baby hanging out with his dad..Hunter has been smiling more and more everyday.. He is for the most part a very happy baby.. Right now we are fighting thrush they told me not to let him have his pacifier during the day I am guessing that was a joke..He loves to sleep in his swing or with his mom and dad,, doesn't really like to sleep in his bed alone..


Marley Family said...

So Cute Jenny!!!

Lindsay said...

How is he doing without a pacifier! Cole would never be able to go to sleep without it! Hope he is feeling better!

Benson Family said...

He is very cute! Don't worry, Laura Lynn prefers sleeping with us too--she doesn't like being lonely. : )