Tuesday, January 12, 2010

2 months old

Today was a big day we took Hunter for his 2 month old check up.. Here are his stats he is now 10lbs 6oz which puts him only in the 30% and his head is 39 1/2 ,69% the his height is 22 3/4, 74%.. So after looking at the numbers you can see we have a tall skinny baby with a big head =) I have to say he comes by it honestly though.. We are still fighting the thrush.. He is such a good baby.. I told Brandon tonight looking at him in his bed you have to wonder how you could love anything as much as you love your child its a great feeling.. I know that later down the road I might need to read this but he real is growing so fast and changing.. I love you Hunter!!


Marley Family said...

Wow he's growing fast!

Lindsay said...

Isnt it funny how much you love them even though all they do is sleep and cry? He really is growing up fast!