Hunter's doctors were worried that his head was growing to fast. So last time we were there they wanted us to go to have an ultrasound on the soft spot on his head. Which I have to say that I really was so worried about the flu that I didn't really ask what that meant. Well today we went to the children's hospital downtown which is very nice to get his ultrasound. They told me that when babies heads grow to fast that can mean there might be fluid on the brain which at that point my heart stopped. After putting a big glob of gel stuff on his head the ultrasound started. The lady who did it told me that everything was fine =) I guess it would be safe to say that he has a pumpkin head like me! So now we are just back to worrying about his neck which we go back on the 23rd. Also we had a big night last night Hunter is now sleeping in his room. Which was a little sad but it will be best for him.
I've never heard of a baby's head growing too fast! I'm so glad everything turned out to be okay!
Hunter, you tell your mommy that your head is perfect! Plus, that just means you have a big brain and your going to be really smart!
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